Honeymoon Photos - Paris France

We left Salt Lake City on Friday May 11th at 9:15am, just after Andrew finished working a 12 hour shift!

Because we booked the trip with our Delta miles it was cheaper to transfer through Minneapolis ... so we had a quick stop there and were lucky enough to meet a couple who had traveled to Paris before and was willing to help us get from the Paris airport into the City (easily a 30 minute train ride through a complicated transit system).

We arrived in Paris on Saturday at 7am (or 11pm Utah time) and we were exhausted!! Our hotel check-in time wasn't until 1pm so as promised the couple we met in Minni helped us navigate our way through the Paris metro system and we ended up a few blocks from the Eiffel Tower.

(One of my favorite photos of the trip - MUCH larger than the one in Vegas!!) 

We snapped a few photos and wandered around looking for somewhere to grab a quick bite to eat... Nothing really seemed that exciting, and the line to ride to the top of the tower was insanely long...

Tired+Hungry = Cranky Mess

So we decided to try and find a metro stop near by to get back to our hotel. Since I was pretty busy planning the Wedding, I did not have a lot of time to research hotels for our honeymoon... so we did not stay nearby any major attractions, but luckily we were near the metro and that's pretty much all that really matters!

We headed back to the hotel, grabbed a quick 'lunch' at a nearby cafe and proceed to take a few hours long nap to adjust to the new schedule.

 When we got up we did not really have any set plans for what to do, or what to see... so we decided to head back to the Eiffel Tower and start there. The Eiffel Tower is right on the Seine River, so earlier that day we had seen quite a few boat tours and decided to hop on one of those.

 The tour was expensive... but it was pretty long too... it is meant to be an all day hop-on hop-off type of tour boat, so it would have been more economical if we had spent all day using it to tour the sites, but we had limited time and this helped us make the best use of it... We got to see quite a bit from the boat.

Notre Dame Cathedral was right on the river and it was amazing to see it all lit up a night...

The Louvre however was not right on the river so we had to get off the boat to be able to see it... since we were on the last boat tour loop of the night we caught the metro back to the area where our hotel was and had dinner at another street cafe/restaurant.

The next morning (Sunday) we had planned on getting up in time to catch the international mass at Notre Dame. Unfortunately we were still pretty exhausted and got a late start... plus we got lost along the way to the cathedral, so we were late to the mass.

 We were not allowed to join the mass late, however they constantly have people touring around the perimeter so we were allowed to go inside. The stained glass was unbelievable. There really is no way to capture the beauty without a professional camera... but it was great to see it in person...

 Our flight to Rome left a 6pm... and we were leaving out of a different airport than we arrived into originally, so we did spend some time wandering the streets outside the cathedral but we made sure to leave extra early since we weren't really sure what to expect flying between two foreign countries.

We had lunch at the airport and waited quite a while for our flight... We had over-estimated the level of difficulty and ended up with quite a long time to kill at the airport. It was fun to people watch there though... tons of families flying from Paris back to their homes in Europe who had traveled through the ORLY airport in Paris because it is easy to get to Disneyland Paris from that airport... lots of mickey ears, painted faces and Disney swag!


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